Church Ministries


The Choir sings each Sunday during the 10:00 am Worship Service under the direction of Lori Puryear,which practices each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. An annual Christmas cantata is a special event each December.

The Handbell Choir practices each Monday at 7:00 pm under the direction of Janelle Langford and performs at scheduled services from Fall to Spring.


(Pending) Sunday School classes are offered at 9:00 am each Sunday for youth, and adults. Weekly Bible study is every Monday night at 7PM.


Coffee fellowship is enjoyed by the entire congregation Sundays following the 10:00 am worship service.


PRAYER MINISTRY is an opportunity for Jamieson members to practice their faith in their daily lives. As disciples of Christ, we want to nurture and support each other and our Church. There are many ways for us to show our love for one another, but Intercessory Prayer—praying on behalf of others—is one of the most powerful. Individuals who volunteer for this ministry receive prayer requests for persons who are a part of or connected to the Jamieson Family and for upcoming church events and projects. Team members commit to pray on behalf of these brothers and sisters in Christ and our church services and activities. Jesus is our model for intercessory prayer. He was an intercessor while He was here on earth. He prayed for the sick and for His disciples, and He even prayed for us when He interceded for all those who would come to believe in Him. What a privilege it is to come to the throne of God Almighty with our prayers for others and for our church. There is a Prayer Request tab on this website to submit your requests to the Prayer Team.

Our community needs are important to us and more importantly to GOD. If you would like to become a member of this Prayer Ministry, please contact the church office at, or call 434-374-8050.


The Jamieson Memorial Methodist Women & Friends meet once a month with various programs and presentations.  They also have mission projects that include  support of an Angel Tree Christmas program , WINGS kits, and Book Harvest at Clarksville Elementary.


The Jamieson Men have Breakfast on the second Sunday of each month at 8:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.


Mission Dollars: Each Sunday, we are asked to place $1.00 bills in the offering missions each Sunday.

Clarksville Community Food Pantry: Please remember to bring in Food Pantry items and leave them on the back pew near the kitchen or a box has been set in the hallway by the Church Office – Feel free to drop off items there! Jamieson usually collects the first Sunday of every month, but donations are welcome any time.

Options for Giving: See the Giving tab on our website for full information.

Backpack Buddies: The start of the school year also signals the start of our Backpack Buddies program. Jamieson currently has over 30 volunteers who work on a rotating schedule to help pack, deliver, and distribute food bags at the elementary school each Friday afternoon. The bags contain weekend meals for children from food insecure homes. Please pray for this program and the children and families that it touches. If you are interested in serving or learning more about the program, please contact the church office at, or call 434-374-8050.

Community Care Portal:  The portal provides an outlet for churches to share in helping provide for local needs for families that have met hardship within the community/Mecklenburg County.